School Refusal

Did you know that school refusal is common among autistic children, but that autistic children are also likely to be illegally excluded from school because their educational support needs are hard to meet?

I set up the Potential Project to work with autistic children to manage their anxiety and help them feel better able to deal with such stressful experiences. I have spaces for families in the Bristol area.

More autism acceptance training in schools would reduce this. If you have experience of autistic children not being able to access education please contact me as I know several trainers who could intervene in schools.

This article covers this in more detail, including the following shocking statistics:

  • “Children with autism are four times more likely to be permanently excluded from school than any other child.

  • 45% of the families surveyed said that their child had been illegally sent home from school, put on a reduced timetable, sent home early or asked not to come in to school when tests or school trips were happening, denying them a full education.

  • 71% of parents of children with autism say that getting them the right support in school was so stressful it caused them to lose sleep.”

Photo credit : Hayley Catherine (Unsplash)

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