Manage anxiety naturally using Reflexology
Anxiety is something I see in my clinic very often. People come to me with a variety of symptoms such as insomnia, IBS, persistent headaches and exhaustion, and frequently anxiety is the common theme underpinning everything.
Runners foot problems and how to treat them!
It should be obvious to any serious runner that they need to look after their feet. After all, unlike other injuries, an injury to your foot can finish your season.
Migraine – A Case Study
Migraines are extremely debilitating and can arise from a variety of causes. The following is an account of how I worked with a client over a period of years to help manage her migraines.
Sunshine Soup
This is my favourite soup at any time of year, as it is packed with protein and vitamin C.
Making lifestyle changes that stick
How are you getting on with your New Year Resolutions? Have you given up already?
Staying on top of your healthy choices this Christmas
Maintaining healthy lifestyle choices can be tough at any time of year, but it becomes especially difficult around Christmas, when the emphasis is on over-indulgence and feasting.
Look at Me! Sushi!
I have wanted to try making sushi for a while now, but I was put off by how fiddly it seemed, and the fact that I don’t like fish!
My five top tips to make Christmas less stressful
Be prepared. Christmas is the same day every year, so now is the time to decide where you are going, what you are cooking and who you are buying for.
My Three Tips For Surviving The Changing Season
This time of year is my favourite, as the leaves change, the air gets cooler. and the nights draw in, but there is no escaping the fact that we often start falling ill with coughs and colds, and sometimes struggle with tiredness.
Bradley Stoke Carnival, and Why I Don’t Charge For Taster Treatments!
Yesterday I had a stall for my business at the Bradley Stoke Carnival. It was a lovely day, not too hot, and thankfully not a spot of rain.